(An honourable mention must go to Kennedy’s Fall Look, which appeared to be “The torch of the Statue Of Liberty wearing marigold washing-up gloves”, and which hence defies ranking) Tempest’s Spring Look – Mmmm, that loft insulation brorange (also she totally almost fell over at the end of the runway, GET IT TOGETHER GRANDMA) Jasmine’s Fall Look – It does not surprise me that this is what Jasmine thinks when she thinks “high fashion”.Ĥ. Jaidynn’s Spring Look – Oooh good, an undiscovered outtake from Xtina’s Bionic album campaignĥ. Katya’s Spring Look – like the Babooshka video on LSDħ. Violet’s Fall Look – END THE RUNWAYS HERE, THIS IS THE PINNACLE.Ĩ. Ginger’s Fall Look – glamourtoad indeedġ. Pearl’s Fall Look – it’s the walk (/saunter/disinterested shuffle) that really makes it thoughĢ. Jasmine’s Spring Look – Real Housewives Of The WTAģ.

Katya’s Fall Look – and this is how you do furs Pearl, take note.Ħ. And as this was such a visual challenge, I present my favourite 7 and my least favourite 7 looks below :ħ. Contestants were challenged to show two different dresses, one representing their “Spring Collection” and one representing their “Fall Collection”. After last year’s run of generally crappy minichallenges (who could forget such classics as “cover yourself in paint and roll around on the floor”, “stroke a cantaloupe with fake nails on” and “shame women with masculine features”?) it was good to see this year’s run starting off with a bang (albeit a bang not featuring Mike Ruiz, which is always a pity) – a runway show, attended by Ru, Michelle, new judge Carson Kressley, Mathu, and Alaska Wintour.įierce. Secretly I have to admit that I’m hoping it’s something far more offensive than that previous slice of trans-baiting, but in a language that none of us can understand, like Puerto Rican or Tammie Brown.Ĥ. It sounded to me like “she laughing in her hair, and it hurt”. For those of you wondering what the new “hoo girl, you got SHE-MAIL!” is, after that catchphrase got nixed on taste and decency grounds…I have no idea. Non-highlights were mostly limited to Tempest “hilariously” pooping a baby out which I’ve already complained about so…I’ll let Jaidynn cover it.ģ. Jasmine eschewing a tagline catchphrase or physical signature in favour of screaming incoherently about how she’d MADE IT GIRLS WOO LET’S GET EXCITED (we’ll get that to that) and Kandy eschewing a traditional greeting upon seeing Tempest DuJour and instead asking how fucking old she was.

Other highlights of the meet-and-greet were Ginger describing herself as an “overweight, asthmatic, chain-smoking crossdresser from Orlando, Florida” and “Glamourtoad”, Jaidynn casually cross-referencing three different previous queens immediately before Sasha claimed to be the show’s biggest superfan who had cracked the Drag Race Code (lol), Pearl’s Boy George inspired chin contouring, Violet effortlessly shading Jasmine’s naffness and Jaidyen and Ginger’s chub in one neat strafing motion (girl, I underestimated you), Mrs Kasha Davis referring to herself as an “international superstar” because she performed in Canada that one time, Katya’s glamorous look of total engagement with everything going on around her, Miss Fame dressed like a intimidating butt-plug.Ģ. Although maybe I shouldn’t complain about lacking in artifice when the first long shot of the episode was this They could at least have had some killer robots with rainbow lasers or something. Form should meet function when the function is trying to find America’s most exciting entertainment-oriented transvestite. I want DRAMA and ARTIFICE and queens meeting up for the firt time in 6 year with the bitch who snatched their Miss Pacific Northwest pageant crown DAMNIT damnit. But…this show’s basics were a bunch of men in dresses pretending to sing pop songs in a thinly veiled parody of America’s Next Top Model with Vaseline all over the camera lenses. For some people this might be a relief, this treadmill sensation, a comfort that the show is back and rolling after a long ( loooooooooong, too long) break, and a sign that the show is going “back to basics”. Right into the workroom for the introductions. And immediately as well, with no zombie aocalpyses, split premieres, Christmas miracles, scenic bus tours or Shangelas jumping out of boxes.